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dc.contributor.advisorNjengoue Ngamaleu, Henri Rodrigue-
dc.contributor.authorDang Olinga, Céline-
dc.description.abstractAccording to the particular status civil workers of national education, many criteria of nominations have been established. These criteria make reference to profile in terms of rank. Despite all these arrangements put in place by the State with regard to the development of teachers’ careers, there is a big gap between what is advocated by this status and the reality on the field. Because of their socioprofessional aspirations, teachers of secondary education in Cameroon reinforce their rank in political militantism and relational networks. This can be achieved through affectations either by nomination, detachment or projects undertakings. To solve this problem, our general hypothesis is that ‘development strategies of teachers’ careers of secondary education in Cameroon vary according to their socioprofessional aspirations’’. This breaks up into four specific hypotheses. HP 1 Development strategies of teachers’ career of secondary education in Cameroon vary according to the interest given to posts of responsibility through nominations. HP 2 Development strategies of teachers’ career of secondary education in Cameroon vary according to the search for detachment. HP 3 Development strategies of teachers’ career of secondary education in Cameroon vary according to their projects undertakings. HP 4 Development strategies of teachers’ career of secondary education in Cameroon vary according to the political ambitions that they nourish. For a better explanation of this study, we will call on the cognitive social theory of school and professional orientation of Albert Bandura. It is a correlational study undertaken in the Central Region on a number of three hundred teachers chosen at random way. A questionnaire served as a tool to collect data of which we have the following results: HP 1 A positive correlation 0.217 for the commitment and implication at work. It is positive with regard to nominations, militantism and relational networks. HP 2 A positive correlation in interest for detachment and relational network (0.466) HP 3 A positive correlation between projects undertakings and relational network (0.466) HP 4 A positive correlation between interest for political and relational network (0.840) The entire four hypotheses have been confirmed. Consequently, development strategies of teachers’ career of secondary education in Cameroon vary according to their socioprofessional aspirations.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.titleAspirations socioprofessionnelles et stratégies de développement de carrière chez les enseignants du secondaire au Camerounfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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