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dc.contributor.advisorMbaha, Joseph Pascal-
dc.contributor.authorYuveyonge Berinyuy, Denis-
dc.description.abstractThe study was to verify the influence of the type of leadership style of administrators and its moral efficiency on teachers in some secondary schools in Yaoundé III. Thanks to the factorial analysis of Reuchlin, the researcher could chose three pertinent factors out of the thirteen different factors after the decomposition of the main factor. These pertinent factors include the democratic style of leadership, the authoritarian style of leadership and the laissezfaire style of leadership. The research was conducted in Yaoundé and Yaoundé being so vast, the researcher had to focus on the Yaoundé III municipality. The researcher employed a research survey design. The targeted population were teachers and principals and their number where determined through a sample random technique. A questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection composed of 48 items. The research was done in five different schools, that is, a government secondary school, a mission secondary school and three lay private secondary schools. Three research questions were retained and from these research questions came forth three hypothesis that guided the researcher throughout the study. To answer the research questions, descriptive statistics were used in the form of frequencies and percentages, while to test the hypothesis, the Chi Square test of independence was used at the 0.05 level of significance with the help of SPSS. Findings from the research revealed that all the three alternative hypothesis stated were accepted. This shows that there is a strong significant relationship between the type of leadership of school administrators and teacher’s efficiency in Yaoundé III. These findings indicate that there is a relationship between the democratic style of leadership, the authoritarian style of leadership, the laissezfaire style of leadership of some secondary school principals and the teacher’s efficiency. The study concludes that the style of leadership practiced depends on the expectations and the goals of the of the school administrator, the principal because any style of leadership well put in place will give good results.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectProfessional commitmentfr_FR
dc.titleProfessional commitment and integrity: A study on the influence of the type of leadership of administrators on teachers’ efficiency in some secondary schools in Yaoundé III.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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