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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorBeguide Bonoma-
dc.contributor.authorLangouo Lambou, Carnegie-
dc.description.abstractRural areas in Cameroon are under developed. This problem is mainly related to the electrification of these areas are often remote from the mains. Traditional energy sources like coal, oil and nuclear energy have a serious impact on the environment. Renewable energy in general and solar PV in particular appears as an alternative. Having found that some photovoltaic systems, under certain climatic conditions, yet produce energy and not others, we proposed to make an inventory of existing systems, to study them and out into the parameters that influence performance to optimize their operation. The realization of this study was done through modeling a PV cell. This helped to establish the equation of the current-voltage characteristic of module. Thereafter, assume we have the equation of the current-voltage characteristic of a module. This equation was used to simulate numerically MATLAB module operation. At the end of this simulation, the results were obtained. These results have validated the method used in the study after comparing the values obtained and those provided by the manufacturer of the modulated used. These results have shown that the performance of a photovoltaic module is strongly influenced by the available global irradiation, module temperature, the ideality factor of the PN junction and the shunt resistor. Photovoltaic systems have many applications in the common life and especially in the electrification of isolated electrical network sites. Optimization of their operation is needed to enable them to provide energy throughout the year.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectSolar energyfr_FR
dc.subjectPhotovoltaic modulefr_FR
dc.subjectPeak powerfr_FR
dc.titleInventaire des Systèmes Photovoltaïques en vue de l’optimisation de leur fonctionnement.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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