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dc.contributor.advisorLieugomg, Medard-
dc.contributor.authorNen-Oure, Carine-
dc.description.abstractThe present study focuses on the theme: « Structures’ valorization and Tourism development in Ngaoundere ». Its objective is to highlight the elements that explain the timid development of tourism in Ngaoundere. To get at this objective, we used two approaches. The systemic approach and the functionalist approach. They helped us to understand how sectors function, its dis-functioning, but also the interactions between tourism and the natural and anthropic elements that are present in Ngaoundere. Our survey methods were based on the administration of interview guide and questionnaire. That helped for our data collection from a sample, which came from a stratified random sampling. From this methodology arise different results. The city of Ngaoundere is endowed with many tourist structures that, among others, are tourist sites, hotels and restaurants, leisure establishments, travelling agencies, souvenir markets and parks. These different structures are not valued and that leads to a timid development of tourist activities. This non-valorization is perceived through lack of actors’ professionalism, undeveloped structures. It is also noticed that the available structures suffer from lack of care and are most often difficult to access. Now, structures need to be developed, maintained, accessible with qualified personnel in order to develop activity. Valorizing those structures will make them attractive for tourists and favors effective take-up of activity. For this, different tourism actors in the city set up strategies that once applied will help to valorize these structures. Those actors are constituted of administrative, municipal and traditional authorities. To this number we add promoters of hotels and restaurants and leisure establishment, tourists and arts articles vendors. Their strategies go from collaboration between actors to touristic culture development passing through the creation of new touristic products.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectTouristic structurefr_FR
dc.subjectTourism developmentfr_FR
dc.titleLa valorisation des structures et développement du tourisme à Ngaoundéréfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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