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dc.contributor.advisorIden Ngwa, Yvonne-
dc.contributor.authorNkwenty Ndeh, Jacob-
dc.description.abstractThis study, entitled ―Deism and Ecotheology: A Study of Selected Poems of Robert Lee Frost‖ is concerned with Frost‘s controversial stance as a modernist poet who embraces the traditional transcendentalist deification of nature. It looks at how the poet‘s transcendentalist tendencies somehow lead to ecosalvation. Modernism and Ecocriticism are the theoretical lenses through which some selected poems of Frost‘s collection have been examined. The former has made it possible for the study to unveil frostian apostasy towards religion as a traditional narrative. Meanwhile, the latter has enabled the research endeavour to highlight the deification of nature as an avenue for the attainment of eco-salvation and to portray the poet‘s creation of a new theology and religion respectively labelled ecotheology and ecoreligion. The study has elucidated the fact that the poet, in the midst of religious chaos in the 20th century, breaks from conventional religious practices and posits that there is the need for eco salvation. This research work has attempted to break through the problem of religious ambivalence by showing how the poet‘s skepticism of religion as a traditional narrative and the deification of nature have led to a new form of worship. The work, at the level of pedagogic relevance, portrays how ecological consciousness can be attained through poetry in a Form Three Class. It also suggests activities that can be used in creating learners‘ autonomy in the learning of poetry.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectDeism and Ecotheologyfr_FR
dc.subjectTraditional Transcendentalistfr_FR
dc.subjectDeification of naturefr_FR
dc.subjectModernism and Ecocriticismfr_FR
dc.titleDeism and Ecotheology: a study of selected poems of Robert Lee Frostfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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