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dc.contributor.advisorTiafack, Ojuku-
dc.contributor.authorMadjadoumbeye, Ringar-
dc.description.abstractStreet children are among the most vulnerable groups on the planet, and many of them continue to live on the streets today, whether they like it or not, despite having the opportunity to stay at home. This social vulnerability persists under the watchful eye of a guilty passivity of responsibility which is ours. The public authorities, parents, civil society organisations and all those involved in child protection are called upon to do their utmost to curb this phenomenon. No critical criticism has been levelled with a view to effectively helping these deviants, whose numbers are growing by leaps and bounds. Instead of going to class, they wander around markets, playrooms, under bridges or in drinking establishments, and roam the long streets to beg in the study area. Some do manual labour to survive, others run small businesses without the slightest intention of returning home or going to school. Our subject, entitled "Social vulnerability and reintegration strategies for street children of N’djamena (municipality of the 7th District)", arose from these observations. The main question was: What are the determinants of the social vulnerability of street children in the study area? The provisional answers (hypotheses) expressed were: several determinants are at the origin of the children's departure for the street and many strategies are used to normalise their situation. The aim is to identify the determinants of social vulnerability and the strategies for their reintegration into society.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectVulnérabilité socialefr_FR
dc.subjectEnfants de la ruefr_FR
dc.subjectStratégies de réinsertionfr_FR
dc.titleVulnérabilité sociale et stratégies de réinsertion des enfants de la rue à N’Djamena (Commune du 7ème arrondissement)fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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