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dc.contributor.advisorZambo Belinga, Joseph-Marie-
dc.contributor.authorDjou Nzouegoup, Chideleine Dolvine-
dc.description.abstractThis thesis titled “Survival Jobs in a university environment: Sociological analysis of student resourcefulness at the FALSH of the University of Yaoundé I”, came out from the fact that at the University of Yaoundé I, some students practice survival jobs to meet their various needs (academic, dietary, and extra-academic). Due to that situation, the State of Cameroon and its partners have set up some mechanisms to improve student’s living conditions. Despite the initiatives taken by the government (establishing “works studies”, granting excellence bonuses, subsidizing restauration, housing and others), some students keep getting into diverse activities that will generate their incomes. These activities use to be constraining, difficult, and at a certain extent have no relation with their school major. Consequently, we decided to go over it to understand the reason leading the FALSH students at the University of Yaoundé I to practice survivals jobs. From that research, we have mentioned that the reasons are due to their social origins, economic problems and socio-professional integrations difficulties of the students, and the training system. To lead this research, we have enlisted three theories of analysis: methodological individualism, strategic analysis and ethnomethodology. As we went thought the use of the qualitative method to collect, process and analyze the data in our research, it emerges from it that the social origins, the economic difficulties, the socio-professional integration of the students, the FALSH training system structure the practice of survival jobs in that faculty. In terms of difficulties, we have those linked to the time between work and studies, the study-work duality, the safety of students practicing those jobs. To this end, to combine work with studies, they build relational networks with classmates, replacement teams at work in the event of absence. They also resort to cheating, mafia networks selling notes, as well as refresher courses. Therefore, the practice of resourcefulness generates multiple effects among students. We have listed: academic failure, absenteeism from classes, and the use of deviant practices in an academic environment.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectMétiers de surviefr_FR
dc.subjectUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.titleLes métiers de survie en milieu universitaire : analyse sociologique de la débrouillardise estudiantine à la Falsh de l’université de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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