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Titre: Séparation d’un enfant de 18-24 mois nouvellement sevré de sa mère et développement de la confiance en soi.
Auteur(s): Edjiane Edjiane, Daniel Puig Aicart
Directeur(s): Ngono Ossango
Mots-clés: Séparation
Date de publication: 28-jui-2024
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé 1
Résumé: To act with insurance emanates from the self-confidence. It is not innate, but is built in the emotional and positive interactions between the child and his entourage according to the psychosocial theory of Erikson (1982), and if they are not cordial the child will develop mistrust. It appears in the 18-24 month old children by the spirit of creativity, the taste of exploration, to express its needs, to make the things by oneself while refusing of the assistance, to play with the other children, to carry help to the others. But time that wea had passed to the crib at the time of our academic training courses and in our multiples stroll allowed us to note that the children at this age did not manage to express their needs, they missed initiatives, were timid, cried much and remained clutched a long time on the teachers. The problems here are that of knowing "how is built the self-confidence of a 18-24 month old child lately separated of his/her mother?". By focusing us on our assumption of research which is "the separation of a child of 18-24 month directs the development of the self-confidence" and on our general objective which is that "to include/understand how the separation of a 18-24 month old child lately separated of his/her mother directs the development of the self-confidence in its psychological aspect and the dynamics developmental who underlies this construction in these children", towards the base of two groups four children each one which our sample in the crib of the School complex constituted Bilingual Saint-Rodrigue of Odza: that is to say an alive group of children separated but with their mother (psychological separation), and a group of children separated but separate physically of their mother by supporting us on the theory of separation-individuation of Mahler (1975) who stipulates that separation is constructive when it is progressive, and in the contrary case it is noxious. The method consisted in measuring in a classroom the development of the self-confidence of these two groups of children with the Measuring Instrument of the Development of Early childhood (IMDPE), then to compare them and see whether there is difference in development between the two. The results which we had obtained psychologically give a report on a positive orientation of the development of the self-confidence for the separate children of their mother, either 65% and of a negative orientation of the development of the self-confidence of the separate children brutally of their mother, or 35%. But these results are influenced much by the individual temperament of each child.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 176
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12264
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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