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dc.contributor.advisorTabe Oben, Florence-
dc.contributor.authorKamguia Noubissi, Suzanne Armanda-
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study entitled "INCLUSIVE EDUCATION OF DYSLEXIC CHILDREN: CASE OF STUDENTS OF THE PROMHANDICAM INCLUSIVE PRIMARY SCHOOL - YAOUNDÉ", is to show that in inclusive education situation, dyslexic students improve positively in reading and writing skills, so that the inclusive system can be implemented in Cameroon’s basic education policy in general, and in the city of Yaoundé in particular. Dyslexia, the learning disability on which our study is based, is defined as a significant and long-lasting learning disability manifested by the confusion and inversion of sounds and letters in an individual with no sensory deficits and normal intelligence. Dyslexia is one of the sources of the failure of the socio-professional integration of many. This observation is based on the reality that more than 52% of students are below the "sufficient" level in reading (PASEC 2019). This observation leads us to take a close look at the education of elementary school learners with this disorder. The study is based on behaviorist, nativist, and cognitivist (that of Jérôme Bruner) theories. This study made it possible to identify conditions that need to be adopted for the effective development of reading and writing skills in these so-called dyslexic children: inclusive education. Data was collected through dictations, dialogues, readings, interviews, questionnaires and observation. This was done on a population made up of students at the PROMHANDICAM-ASSOCIATION inclusive elementary school. After analyzing the data, we were able to observe that inclusive education is one part of the solution for the evolution or effective development of reading and writing skills in these learners. Several other solutions put together contribute to the efficient learning of so-called dyslexic children and thus facilitate their social integration. One major solution is the efficient participation of parents in the development of their children's language skills. Based on play and the repetition of the names of everything around them, because the education of each child begins with his parents.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectEducation inclusivefr_FR
dc.titleÉducation inclusive des enfants dyslexiques : cas des élèves de l’école primaire inclusive Promhandicam-Yaoundéfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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