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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorMapto Kengne, Valèse-
dc.contributor.authorNdjetoglem Yoasmbaye, Siméon-
dc.description.abstractLanguage remediation pedagogy different forms traditional pedagogy is at the center of a challenge to be taken up in the field of mental disability linked to public health and particularly in children suffering from autism spectrum disorders characterized by deficits in social communication, excessive repetitive behaviors, restriction of interests and intolerance of change. Scientific studies looking for ways to address verbal language difficulties linked to autism spectrum disorders. The efficiency of the vocal cord stimulation strategy would be important to remedy language difficulty. But what strategy could be associated with language remediation? Our study is entitled “verbal language remediation pedagogy and vocal cord stimulation strategy in children aged 0 to 12 years suffering from autism spectrum disorders: case of autistic children from the Einstein Psychopedagogical Institute. The aim is to identify the link between language remediation pedagogy and vocal cord stimulation strategy in children with autism spectrum disorders. It first establishes a typology of the problems encountered, and then makes an assessment of the specific needs for autistic children as well as a care inventory and a psycho-educational support protocol and actions undertaken with a view to their language remediation. A sample of 5 subjects was requested, including 4 boys and a girl, all aged 0 to 12 years old. The interaction triangle that was passed between us researchers, staff and subjects based on the observation of the facts allows us a consistent evaluation and confirmation of the impact of remediation and stimulation strategies of the vocal cords on the verbal language. We mentioned 2 theories which are: Piaget's constructivism theory and Watson's Behaviorism theory. After the results of our evaluation, our hypotheses are put forward as follows: Hp 1: Anticipatory remediation helps the vocal cord stimulation strategy in children with autism spectrum disorders. Hp 2: Integrated (immediate) remediation contributes to the vocal cord stimulation strategy in children with autism spectrum disorders. Hp 3: Delayed remediation contributes to the strategy of stimulating the vocal cords in children with autism spectrum disorders. Our results obtained based on our hypotheses confirm that remediation and vocal cord stimulation strategies contribute to the resolution of language difficulties linked to autism spectrum disorders.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectRemediation pedagogyfr_FR
dc.subjectStimulation strategyfr_FR
dc.subjectVocal cordsfr_FR
dc.subjectLanguage and autismfr_FR
dc.titlePédagogie de remédiation du langage verbal et Stratégie de stimulation des cordes vocales chez l’enfant âgé de 0 à 12 ans atteint de troubles du spectre autistique : cas des enfants autistes de l’institut psychopédagogique Einsteinfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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