Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12244
Titre: Politiques étatiques et le développement des régions au cameroun: cas des régions du centre et du sud, 1983-2022
Auteur(s): Bengono Menounga, Bernadette
Directeur(s): Tague Kakeu, Alexis
Mots-clés: Politiques étatiques
Centre et Sud
Date de publication: 16-oct-2024
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé 1
Résumé: This study is entitled ‘‘State policies and regional development in Cameroon. Case of the Central and South regions, 1983-2022’’. It aims to stock of state policies on development in the two regions between 1983 and 2022. The objective, being to understand the imbalances that can be understood empirically in terms of development between the regions of Cameroon in general and the center and south regions in particular. To carry out this study, we drew on a varied documentation, composed of books, scientific articles, dissertations and theses. We also used oral sources, these interviews enriched our understanding of the subject by providing direct perspectives and precise contextual information. These analysis followed an empirical and inductive method. The approach adopted was based on direct observation of facts and available data (Empirical method) in addition, it used the process of indeference, which starts from specific observations to draw general conclusions (Inductive method). It emerges from this comparative study that since their administrative separation in 1983, the center and south regions have received from the State of Cameroon a set of directives for harmonious development. Despite the noble intentions of state development policies initialed at the national level, their implementation at the regional level does not achieve the expected results which are, among other things, the balanced development of both regions. Current development, policies have generated double-speed development, marked by an advance of the center over the south region. The disparities between these two regions are particulary observable at the quantitative level of infrastructure, essential to the well-being of ther populations. This reality is influenced by many factors such as geographic, economic, and administrative dynamics. These elements modify expected results and create marked inequalities between regions. Consequently, this inefficiency in the implementation of development policies has significant repercussions on the development and well-being of populations.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 170
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/12244
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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