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dc.contributor.advisorNdjah Etolo, Edith-
dc.contributor.authorDjindari, Chantale Waboutou-
dc.description.abstractParticipation in development projects remains a major concern for farmers in both agrobusinesses and secondary villages. This study , whose theme is « participation of farmers in development projects : Case of the BELACD-Caritas Nutritional and Food Security Project in Pala, Mayo Kebbi West Region in Chad » was carried out with the aim of showing how the participation of farmers within the framework of the Caritas project in Pala. The problem of farmes’s participation in the Caritas project in the Town of Pala is very thorny and is acute in the villages of the sub-prefecture of Pala due to the fact that farmers participate little in the project ; while the offer of participation aims to integrate farmers into the project. The main hypothesis that guided this study states that « the participation of farmers in the BELACD- Caritas Nutritional and Food Security Project takes place through obstacles, issues and strategies ». To verify this main hypothesis and the related secondary hypotheses, socio-economic and cultural data were collected from a questionnaire survey of 180 farmers and an interview guide. These were coupled with the processing of participatory and climatic data from the sub- prefecture of Pala and agronomic data. The results show that access to participation in the Caritas project contributes to local development in the farmers’ households. And the survey results indicate a multitude of contributions of access to agricultural land in the local development of the sub-prefecture of Pala, hence 43.6% for food security and 29.5% for marketing and education 21.8%. eache year, farmers harvest 20 bags and agrobusinesses more than 21 bags. Despite these contribution of the Caritas agricultural project in the socio-economic and cultural life of farmers in the sub-prefecture of Pala, they encounter land problems : farmes- breeders, farmers-farmers and climatic variabilities. To deal with these land climate difficulties, the state NGOs (Caritas in particular) and farmers have put in place actors to resolve conflicts and strategies to adapt to climate variabilityen_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectSous-préfecture de Pala et Tchadfr_FR
dc.subjectProjet de développementfr_FR
dc.titleParticipation des agriculteurs aux projets de développement dans la Région du Mayo Kebbi-Ouest au Tchad : Cas du Projet Sécurité Nutritionnelle et Alimentaire du BELACD-Caritas dans la ville de Pala.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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