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dc.contributor.advisorEnchaw Gabriel Bachange-
dc.contributor.authorMbangsi Clovis Mbeng-
dc.description.abstractReturn migration and remittances plays a vital role in socio-economic development especially in Cameroon and particularly Fundong Sub-division. Its role in socio-economic enhancement is manifested through the creation of businesses, investment in vocational training, opening of modern farms and construction of modern buildings. However, return migration does not adequately improve on the socio-economic conditions because it creates a series of constrains such as environmental problems, land grabs, inequality, increase cost of living and investment is directed towards non-productive activities. Return migration is also plagued by many challenges which range from political, administrative, socio-economic and communication challenges. These constraints stand as a stumbling block for returnees and remittances to effectively enhance socio-economic development in Fundong Sub-division. It is against this backdrop that this work set out to investigate the role of return migration and remittances on socio-economic development in Fundong Sub-division. Three hypotheses were stated to guide this study. Research methods and techniques adopted and employed led to collection of data, processing and analysis. Secondary data were gotten from published and unpublished documents and from various documentation centres. Primary data were gleaned from field survey where a total 104 respondents provided responses following convenient chosen sample size. Supplementary primary data were obtained from interviews, focus group discussions and field observation. Inferential and descriptive statistics were used that paved way for the testing of hypotheses with the aid of chi square statistical tool. This enabled the drawing up of important conclusions at the end of each chapter and then a general conclusion. The outcome of the data collected, processed and interpreted in the three chapters of the findings revealed that the motive of return migrants were festive reasons (35%), high cost of living in the host area (16%), the desire to stay back home (14%), the desire to invest home (12%), achievement of objective (10%) while poor health constituted (10%). The results in areas of investment by return migrants showed that return migrants invest in agriculture (33.6%), commerce (23%), housing construction (17.3), vocational activities (16,3) and transport facilities (10.5%). Findings showed that the inconveniences caused by return migrants are environmental problems (26.9%), land grabbing (35.5%), inequality (15%), increase living cost (14.4%), while investment on non-productive goods activities made (6.7%). As concerns the challenges plaguing return migrants and remittances in Fundong Sub-division, the results revealed that, return migration is bog down by political instability (41.3%), socio-economic challenges (31.17%), administrative challenges (15.3%), and communication challenges constitute (11.3%). Findings shows that, adopted strategies to cope with challenges have been put in place by the returnees and population in general, among which are; buying and stocking of food stuff and basic manufactured goods against ghost towns and lockdown, settling checkpoints by paying money, adaptation to the environment and respecting ghost town by the local inhabitants. The study recommends that, return migrants and remittances should invest in productive activities that can create jobs to the local population. Land should be judiciously distributed, by limiting the size of land owned by a single person so as to avoid land grab. Higher institutions and vocational training centres should be created in Fundong to bridge the gaps between return migrants and non-migrants population in terms of education and training skills. Administrative procedures should be simplified to ease the processing of documents and issuing of business licenses and other documents relating to creating income generating activities.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectReturn migrantsfr_FR
dc.subjectSocio-economic developmentfr_FR
dc.titleThe influence of return migration and remittances on socio-economic development in fundong sub-division (north west region, cameroon)fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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