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dc.contributor.advisorOndoua, Laura-
dc.contributor.authorNtsa Ngah, Marcien Olivier-
dc.description.abstractThis study on: “Elaboration of psychological suffering and management of burnout of nurses at the Central Hospital of Yaoundé”, is based on the fact that nurses are professionals in contact with other humans, this relationship is centered on the person in need. or in pain. It allows you to support them in their life journey. It is not about finding or providing solutions, but rather about moving forward and helping the person find their solution on their own. This situation makes this group of professionals vulnerable to work overload. Among the arts, there are some which are painful for their holders, but very useful for their users and which bring a common good to the laymen, but cause only sorrow to the practitioners. Which leads to suffering which must be worked out so that the psyche thus affected does not become shaken. Studies have addressed the management of burnout without taking into consideration the aspect of clinical psychology. On the clinical level, the work of psychic elaboration would have an essential place in the psychopathology of physical trauma, an experience of nonsense; the restitution of meaning would contribute to obtaining a resolution of the suffering felt (concept of resilience). Thus this study raises the problem of the integration of clinical psychology into the knowledge and habits of nurses. From this problem arises the following question: How does the work of elaborating psychological suffering account for the management of burnout among nurses at the Yaoundé central hospital? As a response we formulated the following hypothesis: The work of elaborating psychological suffering accounts for the management of burnout capacities, to treat and negotiate intrapsychic anxiety and interpersonal conflicts. To achieve this objective, we used the clinical method. Data collection was done through semi-directive interviews with 3 nurses on duty at the Yaoundé central hospital. These data are analyzed case by case in addition to thematic content analysis. The results show that several nurses suffer and cannot verbalize their affects to make a psychological elaboration. For example, there is a narcissistic injury that makes them vulnerable; burnout considerably reduces their ability to act and this results in dehumanization. Unpleasant emotions and feeling of weakness such as exhaustion, the participants resort to anxiolytics, rest sessions... and above all a recourse to find solutions in society by accusing a fate... These results were interpreted from the theory of mentalizationfr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectBurnout managementfr_FR
dc.subjectPsychological sufferingfr_FR
dc.titleElaboration de la souffrance psychique et gestion du burnout des infirmiers de l’hôpital centrale de Yaoundéfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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