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dc.contributor.advisorTiafack, Ojuku-
dc.contributor.authorAmadou, Désiré-
dc.description.abstractHuman migration is a very old and recent phenomenon. It results from a variety of factor which are economic, social, cultural, conflictual environmental, health related, internal and external. Today, insecurity is one of the most significant factor displacement of population. The problems of refugees on and internal displaced persons is a subject of an increasingly attention for the authorities and scientific community (Guichaoua, 2004) quoted by IFDD, 2018. This study treats the socio-economic and environmental impacts of insertion of refugees on the development of their host community. The present reflexion will contribute to analyze the socio-economic and environmental impacts of the refugees on the development of their host community. First, the causes, ways and means of massive displacements of these population and the secondly, the strategies of insertion of the refugees so as to evaluate their impacts on the development of their area of reception. Four hypotheses were formulated to this study. The techniques and methods used for collection, treatment and analysis of data. Secondary data used for this study explored documents published and unpublished and internet sources. Primary data was obtained from administration of questionnaires to some 371 households of refugees resident in the Minawao camp. Additional data was obtained through interviews and field observations. The results of data collected treated and interpreted revealed that, the presence of refugees in Minawao is explained by security than economic reasons. In the host communities the refugees are implicated in socio-economic activities as small seat trade (27%), livestock (07%), agriculture (16%) and other activities (50%) practiced. For the six years (06) that the refugees have been in the camp, the activities practiced by these people have impacts that socio-economic are not only environmental that have led development to the locality which accommodates them. With the hope of cohabitation between host community and refugees, efforts have been done by NGO’s in order to minimize the negative impacts of the activities of refugees and to support their insertion near the host community.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectImpacts socio-économiquesfr_FR
dc.subjectArrondissement de Mokolofr_FR
dc.subjectDéveloppement local,fr_FR
dc.titleImpacts socio-économiques et environnementaux de l’insertion des refugiés du camp de Minawao sur le développement de l’arrondissement de Mokolofr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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