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dc.contributor.advisorMbaha, Joseph-Pascal-
dc.contributor.authorMbezele Enyegue, Appollinaire-
dc.description.abstractThe EDR phenomenon remains recurrent in our metropolises. This is what causes remarkable changes in our family and community structures. Of these changes will arise exclusion, and the presence of children breaking with the family base in the streets of cities. This exclusion will be accentuated through their disrespect with social executives, a main factor in social maladjustment, synonymous with a loss of social landmark. As soon as the detachment is noted, the problem of deconstruction of social values in these street children (EDR) is raise. The objective of this work is to deepen on and to show educational elements of inclusion promoting the care of street children in reception centres. This responds to the problem of deconstruction of social values felt. To do this, you had to respond to the concern of knowing: How does inclusive pedagogy participate in the psychoeducational process of street children collected in a reception center? By defending the hypothesis according to which, inclusive pedagogy promotes the psychoeducational process of the EDR, we have during the study, administered a semi-directive interview on 5 EDR volunteers of a reasoned sample of the listening centre and transit of Yaoundé (CETY). Several theories have supported our research. We cite attachment to socio -constructivism and social identity theory. Following a thematic analysis of content, the results demonstrate that hypotheses around the indicators of inclusive pedagogy, such as the transmission of values, the gestures of support between educator-EDR and the elements of the accompagnement plan, plays real a favorable role in the rehabilitation and resocialization of the children on the street welcomed in the centres. It is thanks to all these elements that we have built an intervention plan in favor of street children present in the reception centres.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectInclusive pedagogyfr_FR
dc.subjectPsychoeducational processfr_FR
dc.subjectStreet childfr_FR
dc.titlePédagogie inclusive et processus psychoéducatif des enfants de la rue recueillis dans un centre d’accueilfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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