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dc.contributor.advisorTague Kakeu, Alexis-
dc.contributor.authorTonye Um, Ornella Passialla-
dc.description.abstractThe present work entitled ‘privatization of National Railways Companies Cameroon (NRCC): between rupture and continuity; 1999-2020’. The purpose of this study is to present a network operating report of railways in Cameroon under the governance of the concession company CAMRAIL. In others words, the first purpose is to evaluate the privatization of ‘ Ntional Railways Companies Cameroon’’ while bringing into light the process of concession and on a second hand comparing the railway network operating methods of Cameroon from the RNCF and CAMRAIL, and showing the impact of privatization of this railway network. To carry out this study that brings up a problem of rupture or continuity, our main reflection is based on the question: has CAMRAIL achieved its goals fixed during the signature of the privatization of RNCF? Based on a variety of documentation constituted of works, articles, reports, academical researches as well as oral sources the processing of data and information collected is based on the analytical and diachronic approach. It comes out from this study that concession of track in Cameroon had for objectives of disengaging the state of a loss-making company, reinvesting in infrastructures, relaunch operation, streamline and improve management. In view of the objectives fixed during this privatization, the concession of the RNCF greatly contributed to the amelioration of railways in Cameroon. The state has freed itself from an important burden, infrastructure investment resumed, increases in goods transported (very important for goods and ease travelers) brought a return to profits and the rationalization of management and benefit from the know-how of the operator. We need to note that despite the positive results from an operational point of view the Cameroonian rail concession presents some limits to curb the activities and actions. Chronic weaknesses, particularity finances, did not allow the necessary rehabilitation of the network, renewal of rolling stock, the setting of quality services and finally increase in railway loars. In the context of ameliorating railway sector performance can be accompanied by internationals financials institutions and private sector but the principal role goes to the state whom has to show how determined she is to engage in a so complex program.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectNational railways companiesfr_FR
dc.titlePrivatisation de la régie nationale des chemins de fer du Cameroun (rncf) : entre rupture et continuité de 1999-2020fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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