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dc.contributor.advisorEloundou, Eugène Désiré-
dc.contributor.authorKounou Mvondo, Landry José-
dc.description.abstractThe present study through its theme of "game as a didactic strategy in the teaching / learning of history: a quasi-experimental study among learners of 6th and 3rd general secondary education in Cameroon", addresses the issue of the types of games contributing effectively to the teaching/learning of history. Following a lack of motivation observed among learners materialized by a high rate of school failure, discouragement on the teacher's side, pedagogy deemed inadequate according to the environment. The study aims to re-motivate both teachers and learners with a view to optimizing school performance through the pedagogy of play. To this end, it is a question of asking which types of play contribute effectively to teaching. /learning history in 6th and 3rd grades of general secondary education in Cameroon? In response to our research question, it appears that educational games are used as didactic strategies in the teaching/learning of history in the first cycle of general secondary education. The primary objective of the study is to identify the types of games that effectively contribute to the teaching/learning of history in the observation and orientation cycles. The study is part of many other scientific works like Caillois, Brougère, Château, De Grandmont, which are the references of the field. It also relies on constructivist (Piaget), socioconstructivist (Vygotsky) and motivation theories (Bandura) to support the work. The methodological framework used a quasi-experimental study intended for 6th and 3rd year students of the CES of Ekali I and Braunchweig College, in order to verify the general hypothesis. The accessible population was chosen for its dynamic, participative and voluntary character. The choice of the study area is justified by the fact that one is part of the peri-urban area and the other is located in the urban area. At the end of our analysis, it appears that educational games such as emulation games, construction games, and simulation games contribute effectively to the teaching/learning of history in the first cycle of education. general secondary in Cameroon.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectEducational gamesfr_FR
dc.subjectAcademic motivationfr_FR
dc.titleLe jeu : stratégie didactique dans l’enseignement/apprentissage de l’histoirefr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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