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dc.contributor.advisorBanindjel, Joachim-
dc.contributor.authorKuembomve Menguini, Claudine Angèle-
dc.description.abstractThe present study deals with the traumatic vecu of the perception of mental disabilities and family resilience in families with a child living with autism. The perception of mental handicap in our contemporary societies remains a thorny problem insofar as disability in general is considered a burden thus weakening family dynamics. It is therefore in this respect that this study poses the problem of the difficulty for families to establish a sturge of resilience when it happens to be traumatized of their member. The objective is the objective of understanding how the establishment of the resilience favors the achievement of this; the following hypothesis has been formulated: the implementation of the mentalization process and intellectualization promote the ability of families to overcome the perception of mental disability among families with a child living with autism. The study is located in a comprehensive paradigm with a qualitative approach to a sample directive interview carried out on a sample of four families. The thematic type content analysis was carried out. It follows that: families who mobilize internal dynamics focused on the ability to develop internal resources (intra-family) a mentalization for each family member a good development of an intellectualization, a mechanism of denial of reality and a tutoring on tutors. In addition, families faced with their child's mental disability conducts a positive mental construction to a reality through mental disability development, the search for protection against ideas about disability and grouping.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.titleVécu traumatique de la perception du handicap mental et résilience familiale: cas des familles ayant un enfant vivant avec autismefr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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