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dc.contributor.advisorNtsama Essengué, Salomé Chantal-
dc.contributor.authorTchouanmoe, Cruz Tobenson-
dc.description.abstractThe sentence is a means of human communication. According to the standards of rench syntax, it must ideally be built around a verb which assumes a predicative function necessary for its grammatical legitimation. It is clearly a special case of syntactic construction in that it differs from the norm of the French sentence. And yet, in Shenaz Patel’s novel Sensitive, the narrator present, the young Anita, uses the averbal sentences significantly, which testifies to a linguistic gap which would reveal the author’s spiritual etymon. Therefore, the problem arises of the contribution of averbal constructions in the examination of the spirituel etymon of Shenaz Patel. The main question here is how these sentences contribute to constructing and exploring the vital center of the text. This would probably be due to their emotional dimension due to the fact that they constitute a grammatical deviation and therefore a stylistic fact. The objective of this studies therefore to evaluate the contribution of the averbal sentence in accessing the creative principle of the novel Sensitive. Based on the Leo Spitzer’s genetic stylistic and quantitative and empirical-inductive methods, observation of these sentences on the visible surface of the text reveals the narrator's spiritual etymon. From the perspective of Spitzer’s genetic analysis, this observation is followed by the integration of the stylistic fact into the creative principle which must have been present in the artist’s mind. This integration involves both semantic (using isotopies) and rhetorical (using figures of speech) analysis. The first impressions of the center thus suggested and confronted with others areas of observation of the text such as the enunciative and rhetorical domain, finally allows access to the vital center of the work, this narrator’s spiritual etymon which founds the style of the author and her psyche. The restitution of the difficult and frustrating daily life of the narrator, who is going through a psychological crisis due to her lived experiences, reflects here a writing of childhood and existential anxiety, of discourse pathos. The grammatical gap is a function of the emotional gap.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectAverbal sentencefr_FR
dc.subjectGenetic stylisticsfr_FR
dc.subjectStylistic factfr_FR
dc.subjectSpiritual etymonfr_FR
dc.titleÉtude de la phrase averbale dans sensitive de shenaz patel : approche grammaticale et stylistiquefr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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