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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorMutaka Nguessimo, Philippe-
dc.contributor.authorYondorum, Charles-
dc.description.abstractThe Dagba language is the main focus of our study. It is one of the languages spoken in the North of the Central African Republic and in the South of Chad. In a collective research work of languages spoken in French Black African and Madagascar (1978: 28) carried by Barretau Tucker, he classified Dagba in the Nilo-Saharan phylum, at the Chari Nilothic family of the Sudano-central branch, of the Sara-Bongo-Barguimien sub-branch, of the Sara group of the Dagba language. In view of the search work carried out by national and non-Central African researchers on the languages of the Central African Republic, we realized that no description work was done on the language. It is in relation to this void that we are interested in the subject. To better understand Dagba's language description, we have used structuralism as an approach theory. So, we started with the phonological analysis of the language to allow us to establish the alphabet of the language and the development of the grammar. Finally, the analysis of morphology, lead to the examination of substantives, adjectives and pronouns etc. Our goal is not only to give the scientist a plus, but to safeguard the language which is about to disappear if nothing is done. Further more elaborate studies may be carried out in order to deepen the work already started.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectLangue dagbafr_FR
dc.subjectLangue centrafricainefr_FR
dc.subjectExpression françaisefr_FR
dc.subjectAnalyse phonologiquefr_FR
dc.titlePhonologie et morphologie de la langue Dagbafr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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