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dc.contributor.advisorLeka Essomba, Armand-
dc.contributor.authorTchangwa Tchumini, Dolly Priscila-
dc.description.abstractis study evaluates the deployment of civil society PROMHANDICAM ASSOCIATION in terms of inclusive education in Cameroon. Africa is ushering in an era which, according to most observers and experts, will determine its destiny and make it the continent of the future. This promise of a bright future will only be realized if the continent comes to terms with its education and training systems which still carry the heavy burden of its colonial heritage, as well as the weight of its own tribulations as a new political entity. and economic and young player in the global arena. One of the noble fights that the black continent must lead is that of inclusion in education. It is a fight for everyone, including that of civil society. Hence the following research question: what evaluation can be made of the action of PROMHANDICAM-ASSOCIATION in terms of inclusive education in Cameroon? the provisional answer is that the deployment of PROMHANDICAM-ASSOCIATION in terms of inclusive education in Cameroon is not sufficiently developed. This study is exploratory and manipulates quantitative and qualitative (mixed) data. The analytical posture is constructivist. The theories mobilized are in the field of inclusion in education. As a result, it can be seen that in Cameroon there is a structured regulation in terms of inclusive education. Elsewhere, PROMHANDICAM-ASSOCIATION deploys in inclusive education through its CCCP program. This deployment knows constraints external to him and internal heaviness’s. Nevertheless, there are elements to be noted in order to capitalize on good practices and transfer them to other civil society organizationsfr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectSociété civilefr_FR
dc.subjectEducation inclusivefr_FR
dc.titleSociété civile et éducation inclusive au Cameroun : une évaluation a partir de l’expérience du Promhandicam-associationfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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