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dc.contributor.advisorLeka Essomba, Armand-
dc.contributor.authorKhalid, Tidjani Ahmat-
dc.description.abstractThis research focuses on "Child Malnutrition in Ati City, Batha Province, Chad: A Sociological Analysis of a Persistent Phenomenon." The study acknowledges that child malnutrition in Ati City is a persistent issue and aims to understand the reasons behind its continuity. Taking a holistic approach, this research examines the sociocultural dimension of Ati City, exploring how government actions, NGO efforts, and the local population interact and contribute to the phenomenon. The study emphasizes explanatory factors and strategies employed by each of these stakeholders in combating malnutrition to gain insights into the persistence of child malnutrition in Ati City. The central question guiding this investigation is how to comprehend the persistence of malnutrition in Ati City despite interventions by the government and NGOs. To address this objective, fieldwork was conducted to grasp the social reality. The hypothesis examined suggests that the continuity of malnutrition among children aged 0 to 5 years in Ati City is influenced by a complex set of factors, including local beliefs about nutrition and health, strategies employed by NGOs and the government to combat malnutrition, and the available resources for nutrition programs. The study draws upon theoretical frameworks such as ethnomethodology and social representation theory. Using a qualitative methodology, the research relies on documentary analysis, semi-structured interviews, and direct observation. The sampling method employed was snowball sampling, resulting in interviews with 22 individuals, including 11 parents of malnourished children, 5 healthcare professionals, 4 NGO representatives, and 2 institutional leaders. The study is divided into four main sections. The findings of this study indicate that child malnutrition in Ati City persists due to various factors, including institutional, administrative, and logistical obstacles, sociocultural and demographic factors such as limited access to healthcare and dietary imbalances, as well as the limitations of humanitarian efforts and intercommunal conflict. Cultural and social beliefs also play a significant role in the perception of child malnutrition, particularly among the Arab community, where certain maternal behaviors during pregnancy are considered responsible for malnutrition.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectMalnutrition infantilefr_FR
dc.subjectPhénomène rémanentfr_FR
dc.subjectVille d’Atifr_FR
dc.titleLa malnutrition infantile dans la ville d’Ati ( province du Batha): analyse sociologique d’un phénomène rémanentfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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