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dc.contributor.advisorEloundou, Eugene-
dc.contributor.authorMenye Obia, Éric-
dc.description.abstractMastery and knowledge of the types of beliefs are extremely important in teaching-learning history. However, if the typology of beliefs exists in the educational sheets (Demers, 2011), it faces an uneven development of the literature. First, the research has dealt more with the "typologization of epistemological beliefs" (Bouhon, 2009) than the "typologization" of psychological and educational beliefs which, for its part, remains very little studied in the Cameroonian context, where the planning of teaching-learning of history faces enormous didactic difficulties. Second, the integration of these beliefs rarely interests studies in history teaching. Thus, there is therefore a lack of knowledge on how to “typologize” beliefs for the purposes of better planning of history teaching-learning and on how they are integrated into history teaching-learning in the Cameroonian context. And this is what we propose to examine in this proposed thesis, in particular by questioning the integration of teachers' beliefs in planning to teaching-learning history. Hence the following research question: How do history teachers integrate planning beliefs into history teaching-learning? However, this thesis is concerned with the study of the "typologization" and the integration of the psychological and pedagogical beliefs of teachers in the planning or programming of teaching-learning history. To meet this objective, an exploratory-descriptive research associating a quantitative component and a documentary component was carried out, involving 65 teachers and 130 teaching files. In order to describe the integration of beliefs, we combined the questionnaire with the documentary analysis which allowed not only to triangulate the data but also to achieve empirical saturation. Analysis of the data relied on Boudon's general theoretical framework of Ordinary Rationality, paying attention to cognitive rationality theory, utilitarian theory or instrumental rationality, and belief revision theory. The results indicate that the teachers have a pseudo-constructivist pedagogical belief, the self-efficacy beliefs, the representative beliefs, the affective beliefs, an illusion of constructivist psychological beliefs, an integration of the constructivist epistemological belief consistent with the analysis of the pedagogical sheets, an absence of the narrative history in the educational sheets. These results have implications for planning practices but also for teacher training at school level and in the field.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectPlanning of the teaching and learningfr_FR
dc.subjectBeliefs integrationfr_FR
dc.subjectForm of beliefs integrationfr_FR
dc.titleEnseigner-apprendre l’histoire au Cameroun Place des croyances des enseignants dans la planification de l’enseignement-apprentissage de l’histoire au secondairefr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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