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dc.contributor.advisorMengue Mbom, Alex-
dc.contributor.authorEvina, Pricile Sandrine-
dc.description.abstractThis study aims at promoting the integral valorisation of tourist potentials in the Mvila division. Field and literature reports revealed that tourism is less developed in the division as a result of the unequal valorisation of the human and national potentials of the community. This dissertation is therefore aimed at elaborating a strategy of valorisation of both natural and human potentials in the Mvila division so as to make this division a tourist destination at the regional and national level. In terms of methodology, our work made use of the system approach and combines informations from both literature reviews and field surveys. Ever since semi directive interview guides were carried out with stakeholders of the first rank in the domain of tourism (MINTOUL, MINCULT) and with traditional authorities which are the plinth of culture. Results obtained from this survey revealed that touristic resources of the Mvila are unequally valorised. This situation is principally as a result of the no implementation of the national policy concerning the valorisation of relevant tourism potentials as well as the problem of acculturation. The return to ancestral cultures and the synergy in the actions of various stakeholders are the major elements capable of palliating to such difficulties.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectTouristic attractionsfr_FR
dc.subjectStrategic planfr_FR
dc.subjectTourist destinationfr_FR
dc.titleValorisation des atouts touristiques du département de la Mvila dans la région du Sud Cameroun : proposition d’un plan stratégique.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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